First Day of Work

After a good breakfast, the Mayor of Puerto Rico, Bolivia arrived to greet us and thank us for all of the work we will be doing here for his people.

Group photo with the Mayor of Puerto Rico, Bolivia

Our team was off to a great start today as we embarked on our first full day of work. We arrived in the village of Batraja, but were met with a few hiccups, as some of the poles our guys had to climb were not safely set in place yet. Thankfully everyone was flexible and we loaded back up and headed to the village of Jericho, where we spent the rest of the day working. We hung over ten spans of secondary line, which will bring power to 5 street lights and all of the homes in the village. The children were very fascinated with the work we were doing and wanted to watch and observe when they were let out of school for the day.

Children in the town of Jerico

In the afternoon, we were met with heavy thunder and lightning, and rain, which made for a good stopping point for lunch. Once the afternoon storm passed, we were right back at it, finishing the day strong.

Crews working hard to span line before the afternoon storm

Electrify Bolivia 11/8/17